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Audio playback module using IC ISD1820 Full Making IC Based Mini Project-2


Availability: In Stock

Circuit Description:

  1. ISD1820 IC:
    • The ISD1820 is a voice recorder and playback IC. It has a built-in microphone amplifier, audio input, and output. It supports recording and playback functions.
  2. Microphone:
    • The microphone captures audio input and sends it to the ISD1820 for recording.
  3. Speaker:
    • The speaker is connected to the ISD1820 to play back recorded audio.
  4. Push Button (Record/Playback Control):
    • A push button is used to control the recording and playback functions. Pressing the button activates recording or playback based on the circuit configuration.
  5. Resistors and Capacitors:
    • A 1kΩ resistor is used as a pull-up resistor for the push button. A 10kΩ resistor is connected between REC and VCC to disable the record mode by default. A 10μF capacitor is connected between VCC and GND for power supply stability.

Product Description


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