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This project includes WIFI (Esp8266/IOT module) which is connected to Arduino through UART interface. DC motor connected Arduino through H-bride IC (L293d). DC motor attached with some mechanism acts like door. Here we used CD drive as door.
Arduino always be in command receiving mode from IOT server. When user gives command from IOT server WIFI (ESP8266/IOT) module receives the signal and execute accordingly. If it is opening command then door will be open. If it is closing command then door will be close. Door status will be displayed on LCD. User can control door from anywhere using IOT server.
Microcontroller : Arduino Uno
Crystal : 16 MHz
LCD : 16X2 LCD
WIFI : Esp8266 (IOT module)
H-Bridge : L293d
DC gear motor : 100 r.p.m
Power Source : 12v 2 amp Adaptor
Arduino IDE
Proteus based circuit diagram
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