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IOT Based Smart Toll Booth Electronics Engineering Final Year Project


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This project includes WIFI (Esp8266/IOT module) which is connected to Arduino through UART interface. Dc gear motor connected to arduino through l293d. This DC gear motor working as gate. RFID (EM-18) reader also connected to Arduino through UART interface.


Here every vehicle assigning with RFID tag. RFID tag has some amount and when it comes to toll booth, RFID reader reads tag data. If amount is sufficient then it allows vehicle by opening gate. Some amount will be deducted from card. This all information displayed on LCD. Same data will be transmitted to IOT server through WIFI (ESP8266/IOT). Monitoring can be done from anywhere using IOT server. Buzzer will be ON for insufficient balance and invalid vehicles.


Microcontroller            :         Arduino Uno

Crystal                            :         16 MHz

LCD                                 :         16X2 LCD

WIFI                                :         Esp8266 (IOT module)

RFID Reader                 :        EM-18

H-bridge                         :         L293d

DC gear Motor              :        10 r.p.m

Power Source                :         12v 2 amp Adaptor


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram

  • Toll Booth management
  • Highway Road maintenance
  • We have covered WIFI (ESP8266/IOT) module interfacing
  • RFID reader (EM-18) module interfacing
  • L293d for DC gear motor control

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