Availability: In Stock
Initially, basket connected to IOT server through WIFI (IOT module-ESP8266) module. Each product Have RFID tags and has information like rate and name of the product. While taking product user has to swipe product and press add button. If product added into basket then price will be added. If he wants to remove product then he has to swipe product and press remove button. Based on each product addition, data will be update to IOT server. In server data will be visible in table format with product name, status (add/remove) and total also all this information stored in server with date and time. After shopping complete billing process it is easy to do billing by seeing in server account and it will save lot of time. Also information will display on 16×2 LCD display. When any person or obstacle found in front of basket then buzzer alert will come.
Microcontrollers : Arduino Uno
Crystal : 16 MHz
LCD : 16X2 LCD
WIFI module : ESP8266
RFID module : EM-18
Buzzer : DC 5V
Obstacle Sensor : HC-SR04
Power Source : 12VDC Battery
Arduino IDE
Proteus based circuit diagram
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