Availability: In Stock
ESP32 cam and Arduino connected to each other through serial port. MLX90614 contactless temperature sensor connected to Arduino i2c port. Buzzer and button connected to Arduino digital pins. Servo motor connected to Arduino PWM pin.
User need to press button and show face in front of ESP32 cam. If ESP32 cam can detect face mask and send command to Arduino. If mask detected then Arduino starts scanning temperature. If temperature less than threshold temperature then gate will be Open. Threshold can be set with 10k potentiometer. If Arduino detects no mask wear and high temperature then buzzer will be ON and gate will not open. Also Mask Wear and no wear images will be uploading to Gmail.
Microcontroller : Esp32-Cam and Arduino Uno
Motor : Servo Motor
Contactless Temp Sensor : MLX90614
Potentiometer : 10K
Buzzer : DC 5V
Power Source : 12v 1 amp Adaptor
Arduino IDE
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