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IOT module (ESP8266) interfaced with Arduino UART port. DHT11, MIC sensor, MEMS sensor, Moisture sensor and servo motor interfaced with Arduino digital pins.
Arduino is main heart of this project and it will read all sensors and control cradle swinging. When Baby cries then MIC sensor identify and gives signal to Arduino. Arduino send PWM pulses to servo motor to swing cradle. MEMS sensors attached to baby to monitor moments of baby. When baby moves fan will be ON. If baby urinates then buzzer will be ON. Arduino reads all sensors data and displaying on LCD. Also, it sends sensors data to IOT cloud server through ESP8266. We can monitor baby conditions when baby is in cradle from remote server.
Microcontroller : Arduino Uno
Crystal : 16 MHz
LCD : 16X2 LCD
Temperature Sensor : DHT11
Humidity Sensor : DHT11
Sound Sensor : MIC sensor
IOT Module : ESP8266
Wet Detection Sensor : Moisture sensor
Baby Moment Sensor : MEMS Sensor
Fan : 12V DC Fan
DC Gear Motor : 10 R.P.M
H-Bridge : L293D
Buzzer : 5V DC
Power Source : 12V 2 amp Adaptor
Arduino IDE
Proteus based circuit diagram
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